Some buyers say that sticking the wheels together makes it inconvenient to tear them off. Everyone should know that if we let the wheels be scattered in the plate, they will be bumped during transportation (please note that we have ten wheels!!) The wheels are made of pure iron, and the plates are also made of pure steel. During transportation (may encounter violent transportation), the wheels and plates will come and go, which will inevitably damage the product! ! Our products are strictly selected, and we hope that the products our buyers receive are intact. After reconsidering, we chose the packaging that fixed them in this way. Such packaging also cost us a lot of manpower and time. But to ensure that everyone receives the best! So I hope everyone can understand. After all, when we buy things, we finally buy trustworthy products with good quality, which is what we want in the end, right Teach you a way to take out the product smoothly, use scissors to cut a hole along the middle, and then peel it off. Note that the sharp part of the scissors is facing away from the surface of the product. Thank you very much for your understanding, please believe that our products must be of guaranteed quality. Please contact us if you have any questions.
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